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How do corrugated plastic products help your company?

How do corrugated plastic products help your company?

1.  Long-term cost savings , it may seem like a larger up-front cost, or investment, and your operations may not be set up for a return system like this, but companies who are able to close the supply chain loop and return packaging products such as boxes, bins, and slip sheets can realize savings after just a few trips.  Depending on the application and the handling situation, you m

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Profile of PP Corrugated Sheets

Profile of PP Corrugated Sheets

Corrugated plastic sheets- also known under the tradenames of Polyflute, IntePro, Proplex, Correx, Twinplast, or Corflute - refers to a wide range of extruded twin wall plastic-sheet products produced from high-impact polypropylene resin with a similar make-up to corrugated fiberboard.  It is a lightweight (hollow structure), recycled, non-toxic, waterproof, shockproof, long lifespan, cor

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